
How We Generated Over $4,000,000,000 in New Sales - and How You Can Do It, Too!

For the past 35+ years we've been obsessed with trying to figure out what works in Marketing and Sales, and how to make it work - for any business, in any market.

Now available as a downloadable eBook, and summarizing what we've learned from more than 350 campaigns, and thousands of sales that have generated over $4,000,000,000 in profitable revenues, "Lead Generation" describes exactly how to develop and implement a successful go-to-market strategy, for anyone who's interested in growing their business.

So you can exceed your goals for sales, market share and profitability - no matter what you're selling, or to whom.

About the book:

Starting in 1977 selling computer timesharing by knocking on doors in New York City's Financial District, the authors describe how a combination of experiences in, and study of, cold calling, field sales, advertising, market research and classical Sales Management resulted in the development of an approach that delivers successful revenue growth - consistently, painlessly and cost-effectively.

Whether you're a business owner, Sales Manager, BDR or Marketing professional, Lead Generation has everything you need - so you can generate the sales you want!

Read "Lead Generation: How We Generated Over $4,000,000,000 in New Sales - and How You Can Do It, Too!"
and Learn Everything You Need to Succeed!

Download the eBook - ONLY $24.95!

Read an excerpt here.
View the Table of Contents here.

New York, NY • Moorestown, NJ • Reno, NV • Tulsa, OK • Oceanside, CA
866-235-1100 • Sales@LeadGen.com